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AS OF TODAY, 8-16-2024




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2/13/2014 4:03 pm  #1

MV will come to his senses and...

...apologizes to Falkie and invite him back to Bell Gab!


2/13/2014 4:14 pm  #2

Re: MV will come to his senses and...

Wow Falkie I made this post under the heading of Predictions for 2014:

"MV will come to senses and apologize to Falkie and invite him back to Bell Gab"
And some how your board turned my words into different words that mean exactly the same thing.
Wild weird stuff going on here!

     Thread Starter

2/13/2014 4:16 pm  #3

Re: MV will come to his senses and...

You did it again And changed my word LOL...

     Thread Starter

2/13/2014 5:38 pm  #4

Re: MV will come to his senses and...

obscene words, mentions of the word bellgab, Satan's # 1 henchman., roadkill buffet are automatically changed to something else. want to keep the board clean so people don't start calling people the " A " word and the like. there's too much of that out there already.
new video finally uploaded to you tube as well as two announcement videos. going to take off to get some cleaning done and go get money tomorrow for food, cat food, cleaning supplies. then video probably Sunday and new podcast podcast on itunes as well.

I set it up so that obscene words, mention of the forum that shall not be mentioned and certain people's handles get replaced with other words or phrases. Having some fun with it as well.

But the owner of the other board is a shortsighted person because he complained there were too many posts about me, yet weeks after I'm gone they still talk about me frequently.

He couldn't have his cake and eat it too !

HA !

I blocked the registration of a poster calling him or her self mean and nasty. His gmail account was named mean and nasty too. No mean and nasty people allowed on THIS forum. Let him lurk elsewhere. B_dubb from that other board got mad when I told him to not have a very unflattering picture of me as his avatar. That's why I amended the rules. If you want to have a picture of YOU, that's NOT a problem.

Last edited by Admin (2/14/2014 11:40 am)

Looking to control the internet, one video at a time.
In a nice way, of course.

" Never let the enemy pick the battle site. - George S. Patton, Jr. "

3/15/2014 1:10 pm  #5

Re: MV will come to his senses and...

Why don't you call into the Spec sheet and talk to Curtis (M  V)


3/15/2014 1:24 pm  #6

Re: MV will come to his senses and...

Why should I ? He tossed me off the forum but left the stalkers and trolls on there. Booted Little Chris off for defending me & won't even let a single mention of me be posted as a joke.

The man has no integrity or honor or conscience in my opinion.

I may call gabcast to talk about how this board was sabotaged and ask that Aldous Burbank guy why he never showed his face again in Martinez ... never followed through on his inviting me to lunch after I was unceremoniusly thrown off that board for something the owner of the board admitted was NOT my fault.

There are very few people I have been actively angry about in my life but Mikey is one of them and it would take a lot for me to ever forgive the guy. I normally don't stay mad at people but in his case ...

I don't want to get my ulcer to start acting up again but I know a lot of the lurkers here are from that OTHER board and its what may have led to this one being sabotaged right after I posted that I was going to take the board private and make it an invitation only board.

I and others think that people from that board aren't posting here because they're afraid of getting booted off of that board. If no one ever joins this board from there or anywhere else, I will still do what I am doing because I feel its important to let people know what is happening in the paranormal community AND because if for no other reason I want to put all the AB/Noory/C2c & guest videos in one spot so people don't have to seach all over hell for them.

I liked doing what I was doing here and I think its interesting that people immediately started looking at posts in here from the inception of the board and even after it was sabotaged they're still reading posts and looking at videos.

There are 4 active people on You Tube who are forwarding ALL my stuff to their Google + pages. That will also get this place noticed.

It also gives me something to do on weekends when there's nothing on tv and I can't go anywhere on the crummy bus system we have here until we get another Prius around November.

Thanks for posting something on this topic.

Looking to control the internet, one video at a time.
In a nice way, of course.

" Never let the enemy pick the battle site. - George S. Patton, Jr. "

3/15/2014 4:05 pm  #7

Re: MV will come to his senses and...

Why not call M V directly? cut out middle man. He is the guy your beef is with.


3/15/2014 8:02 pm  #8

Re: MV will come to his senses and...

artbellfan1 wrote:

Why not call M V directly? cut out middle man. He is the guy your beef is with.

There's a reason why you can't type his name or the name of that forum in here. It's to make a point in that if he wants me to be an unperson, he and any mention the name of his board is removed automatically. I deeply resent HIS efforts at censoring any mention of me on his board and will continue to edit mentions of his board directly for that reason.

The forum software automatically changes mention of him or the name of that board to something else as it does for certain obscene words or " colorful metaphors ".

So kindly please stop typing M V.

Michael is acceptable however.

But my calling his show wouldn't do any good in my opinion.

He banned me from his board and did nothing to the miscreants who were literally attacking me in every post.

That behavior is unforgivable.

I also mentioned his board prominently in my videos and gave him free publicity to those who did not know about that board.

If you google search the name of his forum my videos mentioning his forum show up.

At least they do on my Mac.

His forum is tied to my videos and there's no escaping that, even if he wishes to.

Then he had the gall to remove me from his forum because it was " all about me ".

What a crock that was.

When Art left my posts were driving much of the commentary on that board whether for good or bad. And that's not just my opinion but the opinion of many who said it to me in private inboxes.

Or haven't you noticed my comments about what I feel is a total lack of integrity, decency, etc. ?

The right thing to do would have been to remove my stalkers and flamers permanently.

Instead he took the route of expediency and saw many leave his board forever because of it.

He gets whatever he deserves.

To hell with him and his stalker buddies whom he encouraged.

Looking to control the internet, one video at a time.
In a nice way, of course.

" Never let the enemy pick the battle site. - George S. Patton, Jr. "

6/15/2014 3:57 pm  #9

Re: MV will come to his senses and...

My dont you create other accout that Forum. Just make you use a Different IP Address. There are many users who were banned there that use a different IPaddress.if you do that and after a while you might have a different view on the topic.


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