A Place for Paranormal fans to come together and have fun
AS OF TODAY, 8-16-2024
George Noory interview now AT 4,500 views.
Kathy's Katz video with first appearance of Caesar the Kat now at 4,090 views.
Have a great day everyone !
I have a package to send to Zoa and LF but I have no money until the first and am running out of wet food for the outdoor cats. I have about 9 days left. I put LF's box in the bedroom when Fluffy overran the table in the living room. I have more stuff for the Lucky Ferals to send.
My having to give Kathy extra money for 2 months left me short.
I will NOT be helping her as much next month.
I did buy a new Vivitar HD 786 camera for my channel as my Ipad is broken but it shuts itself off after about 3 minutes and I don't know how to fix it. It takes fairly good videos and they finally sent me a link to the Vivitar Video Manager which makes managing my pictures and videos and sending them to my desk top far easier than before.
Eventually I will buy a Go Pro 8 and a new Ipad.
My subscribers keep sending me emails saying how they want me to go live again but won't support the channel financially to help me do so. I could go live if my Ipad would be repaired. I am very unhappy about that and feel after almost 9 years of doing this I should be getting support.
Its why I bought the new camera.
I need 3 new subscribers to reach 1,400.
It won't be too long until I reach ONE MILLION VIEWS. I am now over 892,000.
Tonight I fed 6 semi ferals as the new gray kitty showed up. He flinched a bit when I petted him but a month or so ago he would not come near me. Very warm tonight and muggy with no wind. They did not turn off my power here nor in Pittsburg were Kathy lives. All of the news about the shutdown upset her. It had her so worried.
I need about $23 and will have to feed them dry food.
If anyone wants to send me money to do so I will pay them back via Paypal on the first. Falkie2013@gmail.com.
Luckily someone sent me a bag last month for the cats.
A homeless person started living downstairs under the stairs and tossed out the cats kitty box that they slept in all winter. I am really angry about that and called the cops about it but have yet to see him or her. Homeless people have been sleeping in our elevator and the laundry rooms and shooting up and the tenants here had to patrol the building for a number of months until the cops took them away. This building is still mostly seniors and is not a drug pad nor should it become a homeless encampment.
I was homeless twice due to eviction for re-modeling and slept in the car with my 2 cats. I did not infringe on anyone's property to sleep nor would I ever do so. Kathy got evicted for remodeling 3 or 4 years ago after living in her apartment for 10 years. They were supposed to compensate her for moving expenses under the law and refused. I tried to get her to sue them but she gets frazzled easily and would not do it. She lived with Patty for 4 months and me for 4 months and did not find and apartment for almost a year.
It coincided after my Mother died and I had to pawn all my silver to help her rent a truck to move and given that I have small print issues I just saw the pawn slips from the coin dealer ( 4 loans totaling $ 305 ) and saw at the bottom that I had been paying SEVENTY TWO PERCENT INTEREST for the past years ! I was shocked. I will finally be getting 2 loans out next month and the other 2 in December and January. I will never pawn my $2-4000 worth of silver again and told Kathy that. Next time God forbid, she is on her own. She still has not gotten her $352 back from Treasury and has not received the form from the Congressman's office yet. I am not happy about that and will have to call them tomorrow.
And I got everything from Walmart except my AAA rechargeable batteries which I need for my flashlights in case of a regular power failure. Walmart said they were delivered to my apartment. Not at my door or in the mail box down stairs. I will see if they can send me new ones to my secure po box.
Something is coming on the balcony and devouring the dry food before dark and leaving the bowls empty. I may have to take in the bowls earlier. Mama Cat and Kitten have been coming up in the middle of the night; 2, 3 and 4 am because the raccoons are eating the dry food I leave out for them at feeding time. I get up and leave them 2 bowls and Tiger Cat from across the street also comes in here and squeaks for dry food at night.